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Brandsch, J.;Mercea, P.; Rüter, M.; Tosa, V.; Piringer, O. 2002. Migration Modelling as a Tool for Quality Assurance of Food Packaging. Food Additives and Contaminants, Vol. 19, Supl., pp. 29-41

Castle L. 2004. Migration from Recycled Paper and Board to Dry Foods. Project Report. Food Standards Agency

Feigenbaum et. al. 2002. Safety and Quality of Food Contact Materials. Evaluation of Analytical Strategies to Introduce Migration Testing into Good Manufacturing Practice. Food Additives and Contaminants, 19(2), pp. 184–201

Frankhauser-Noti, A.; Grob, K. 2004. Migration of Trimellitic Acid from Epoxy Anhydride Can Coatings into Foods. Food Additives and Contaminants, 21 (7), pp. 711-718

Lau, O-W.; Wong, S-K. 2000. Contamination in Food from Packaging Material. Journal of Chromatography A, Nº 882, pp. 255-270

Leber, A.P. 2001. Human Exposures to Monomers Resulting from Consumer Contact with Polymers. Chemico-Biological Interactions 135–136, pp. 215–220

Munro, I.C.; Hlywka, J.J.; Kennepohl, E.M. Risk Assessment of Packaging Materials. Food Additives and Contaminants, 19(Supl.), pp. 3-12

Poças, M.F.F. Moreira, R. 2003. Segurança Alimentar e Embalagem, Embalagens para a Indústria Alimentar, Editorial PIAGET 2003

Report Series - Exposure from Food Contact Materials – Summary Report of a Workshop held in October 2001 ILSI Europe

Report Series – Recyclong of Plastics for Food Contact Use – Summary Report of a Workshop held in March 1997 ILSI Europe


Thomson, B.M.; Grounds, P.R. 2005. Bisphenol A in Canned Foods in New Zealand: An Exposure Assessment. Food Additives and Contaminants, 22(1), pp. 65–72


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