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Orgão Polícia


The Economic and Food Safety Authority (ASAE) is the national SPECIALIZED administrative authority in the context of food safety and economic surveillance. ASAE is responsible for the discipline of the exercise of economic activities in the food and non-food sectors, by monitoring and preventing the enforcement of regulation legislation. ASAE is a national authority, with administrative autonomy, that acts as a police and law enforcement body.

In pursuit of its mission, ASAE is governed by the principles of scientific independence, precaution, credibility and transparency and confidentiality.

ASAE - Central and Regional Control Services

The organic structure of ASAE covers the whole country and several Central and Regional Control Services.

It is in charge for the assessment risk assessment and communication in relation to food chain and feed.  This is handled by a Scientific Directorate that coordinates all EFSA-related activities including the Portuguese representation in EFSA’s Advisory Forum and Focal Point. One reference Laboratory is attached to the ASAE pursuant Regulation (EC) nº 882/2004.

ASAE inspection activity is centralizes on all places where there should be any industrial activity, particularly of finished products and or intermediate, tourist, commercial, agricultural, livestock, slaughtering, fishing, including recreational fishing activity or any activity of rendering of services, warehouses, offices, notaries, transportation, cold stores, tourism enterprises, local accommodation, travel agencies, tourism companies, camps, casinos and bingos, establishments food and beverage, nightclubs and bars, canteens and cafeterias medical and dental clinics, veterinary clinics, pharmacies and medical stores of pharmaceuticals, hairdressers and beauty centers, fairgrounds or shows, play areas and recreation, infrastructure, equipment and sports facilities, health clubs, ports, stations and air terminals, without prejudice to the powers assigned by law to other entities

ASAE is competent to Inspect the sale of products and services under legally established in order to ensure the safety and consumer health, as well as monitor compliance the statutory obligations of economic operators.

ASAE develop actions of a preventive and repressive relating to illegal gambling and supporting other authorities police in the prevention and punishment in this matter, in conjunction with the Inspection Service Games Turismo de Portugal, I. P.

 August 2014

  • Denúncias
  • BCFT –  Comunicações e Registos
  • Processos de Contraordenação
  • Livro de Reclamações
  • Reg 2019/1020 + Medidas Restritivas
  • Asae Topics in Other Languages
  • Perguntas Frequentes
  • Fraude Alimentar
  • Autoridade Europeia para a Segurança dos Alimentos (EFSA)